Honey: A Better alternative of Sugar

Honey: A Better alternative of Sugar

Excess consumption of sugar has become the major problem for people around the world. Overconsumption of sugar making the health of people worsen. It causing high Bp, obesity, diabetes, insulin resistance, heart problems… Sugar gives you nothing but acts as a drug to...

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Honey: An Immunity Booster

Honey: An Immunity Booster

According to the National Honey Board, honey is fat-free, cholesterol-free, sodium-free is also called nature’s sweet nectar. Our grandmothers with Desi-Nuskas up their sleeves have extolled the many virtues of honey from boosting immunity to helping with weight...

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Honey: A Home-remedy for cough

Honey: A Home-remedy for cough

Honey is best suited as well as a tasty remedy to consume and get rid of cough completely that too without any risk. It is easy to create your own cough remedy at home. You need to mix 2 teaspoon honey and lemon with warm water or herbal tea. Honey does the magic by...

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